The backbone of the Plymouth Area Coalition for the Homeless is our incredible corps of volunteers. Thanks to their dedication and commitment to helping those in need, we are impacting the lives of needy families and individuals every day.
There are many ways to volunteer at the Coalition. You can help out as an individual, or as a group. Volunteer for an hour, or for a day. What we can promise, is that your volunteerism will make a difference, will be personally rewarding, and extremely appreciated.
Opportunities to Volunteer at the Plymouth Area Coalition for the Homeless include:
Food Pantry – assist clients, stock shelves
Child Care Program – babysitting, activities
Education Program – share your professional skills with program participants
Student Tutor – provide academic support
Children’s Holiday Fund - assist with program logistics, packaging, clerical
F.A.I.R. Program – sort donated clothing, household items, thrift shop support
Facilities Support – landscaping, painting, maintenance of the property
Event Fundraising – work with staff to plan and coordinate special event fundraising in support of the Coalition’s programs and clients
Call our Director of Operations today to discuss your personal interests, and together we can identify a volunteer opportunity that is just right for you!

Interested in Volunteering?
Call 781- 582-2010