The emotional impact is overwhelming for those experiencing homelessness. For children, it is can be beyond compare. The loss of their home and neighborhood friends is extremely difficult. Children are also very aware of the heightened concern and stress their parents experience as the family transitions from the security of their home to the uncertainties of shelter life.
To help comfort the children during this crucial time in their lives, the Plymouth Area Coalition developed the Laila & Henrik’s Teddy Bear Program.
On average, 150 children enter Pilgrims Hope Family Shelter each year. Upon arrival at the Shelter, Laila & Henrik’s Teddy Bear Program enables each child to receive a very special gift, ‘Charlie’ the Teddy Bear. Soft and cuddly, ‘Charlie’ comes with a personalized card of comfort.
Charlie is representative of the culture of Pilgrim’s Hope Shelter. Warm, and welcoming, the Coalition staff strives to offer all residents a safe haven while in shelter, and to provide the support services necessary to strengthen each family in their quest for self-sufficiency.
Teddy Bear Program Expansion to include Children’s Counseling
We recognize that in addition to the comforts ‘Charlie’ brings to the children, additional support services may also be helpful. To ensure our youngest residents receive appropriate support, the Laila & Henrik’s Teddy Bear Program, is expanding to include services of professional children’s psychologists.
The Laila & Henrik’s Teddy Bear Program is made possible thanks to the generous financial support of caring and concerned donors throughout our community. Program benefactors can now be assured that their gift will not only provide shelter children with the comforts of a new teddy bear, but also support their emotional health as their family works to locate permanent housing.