To make a donation online, please click on the Donate button on the right.
To mail in a contribution, please send to:
Plymouth Area Coalition for the Homeless
149 Bishop’s Highway, Kingston MA 02364
Checks should be made out to: Plymouth Area Coalition for the Homeless
We are guided by the Coalition’s mission to serve families and individuals seeking shelter, food, and basic needs support -
and we are determined to fulfill that goal.
Unrestricted Gifts
When a donor chooses not to specify the way their gift may be used, the gift is called unrestricted. Unrestricted gifts are a powerful form of support because they enable the Coalition to direct the funds to the area of greatest need. Your unrestricted gift makes all the difference in our ability meet the needs of our programs and clients.
You gift to the Plymouth Area Coalition for the Homeless may be made by cash, check, or credit card, and on-line. Sustaining gifts, made on a designated schedule, are greatly appreciated.
All donations to the Plymouth Area Coalition for the Homeless, Inc. are tax deductible as allowed by law. Tax ID is 042 90 1176
Restricted Gifts
At times, a need may arise at the Coalition that does not fall within the regular operational budget. We are truly grateful to those individuals who generously provide funding specifically designated for these items.
Ways to Make a Gift
There are many ways to demonstrate your support for the Plymouth Area Coalition for the Homeless:
Annual Fund
Provides unrestricted support
Planned Gift
A planned charitable gift provides donors with multiple options and vehicles to strategically provide for their families and the causes and organizations they are committed to. As with all important financial decisions, donors should always seek the counsel of a professional financial advisor.
Business Partnership
The Coalition is proud to partner with socially-minded businesses in support of the Coalition’s mission.
Stock Transfer
Matching Gift
Many businesses generously match their employees’ contribution to the Coalition. Please check with your Human Resource Office to learn how you can increase the impact of your gift.
Restricted Gift
Your gift may be designated toward a specific, designated purpose.
Special Event Sponsorship
Special event sponsorships, in addition to supporting the mission of the Plymouth Area Coalition for the Homeless, can also serve as a marketing opportunity for donors.
In-Kind Gift
The Coalition is grateful for the many in-kind gifts it receives in support of the Food Pantry, Pilgrim’s Hope Homeless Shelter, F.A.I.R. Program, Children’s Holiday Fund, and our Education and Recreation Programs.
Sponsor a Food or Clothing Drive
If you are interested in sponsoring a food or clothing drive or other special event in support of our programs and clients, Thank You! Your generosity of time and resources makes all the difference in our ability to meet the many needs of the less fortunate in our community. Please follow the links below to learn of some of our program needs.
Tax ID # 042 90 1176