To make a Donation to our 2024 Children's Holiday Fund, please click on the Donate button below. Your generosity is appreciated.
In partnership with the Community Newspapers and The Old Colony Memorial, and through the generous donations of the community, this remarkable program provides toys, gifts, and winter clothing, and Holiday Meal Baskets to deserving children in our South Shore communities.
The program offers various opportunities for support, among them;
Sponsor a Child
Sponsor a Family
Host a Toy/Gift Drive
Donate a Toy/Drive
Individuals who sponsor a child or family will be matched with an individual(s) and receive a copy of their ‘wish’ list. If you, your community group or business would like to participate in the Children’s Holiday Fund, please call the Coalition at 781-582-2010.
Families seeking assistance should click on the below button to download the Children’s Holiday Fund Assistance Application or call 781-585-0006. The holiday assistance help line opens October 1st.

Children's Holiday Fund Application
Sponsor a Child or Family
Host a Benefit / Toy Drive
**Please download the form to print out and mail in or fill out our online form and submit electronically. It is not necessary to do both.